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Alta Profil Ukraine > Garden and park benches

Bench Classic without back


-classic design
- fastening to the floor - reliable design

Dimensions [HxLxW]: 1503х450х650 мм

Seat dimensions: 1503х345 мм

Colour: graphite-white, white-black, brown-black

Price: 4490,75

Bench Classic Comfortable


-classic design - fastening to the floor - reliable design

Dimensions [HxLxW]: 1504х822х707 мм

Seat dimensions: 1504х345 мм

Colour: graphite-white, white-black, brown-black

Price: 6299,70

Bench Modern without back


-modern design - reliable design - rounded armrests

Dimensions [HxLxW]: 1514х598х415 мм

Seat dimensions: 1504х345 мм

Colour: graphite-white, white-black, brown-black

Price: 4933,50

Bench Modern LUX


-modern design - reliable design - rounded armrests - Comfortable back angle

Dimensions [HxLxW]: 1614х838х545 мм

Seat dimensions: 1504х345 мм

Colour: graphite-white, white-black, brown-black

Price: 7210,50

Лавка MEMORY перекидна


-folding seat -exclusive design -concrete base -reliable construction

Dimensions [HxLxW]: 1080x825x275 mm

Seat dimensions: 1023x275 mm

Colour: graphite-black, brown-black

Price: 2909,50

Hanging bench


-Saving space

Dimensions [HxLxW]: 1300х180х404 мм

Seat dimensions: 1300x285 мм

Colour: graphite-black

Price: 3565,00


Does not require maintenance, like a wooden bench

A PVC profile bench does not need
to be sanded, varnished or painted.
It is enough to wipe the dust with a
damp cloth. And you can enjoy!


Ideal for a family with children. Cuts,
injuries, splinters, scratches from
contact with poorly treated surfaces
of wooden benches will be a thing of
the past. And vinyl designs are
environmentally friendly. Plastic
elements do not support

Рrefabricated structures

The bench made of PVC on a metal
base is completed in such a way that
you do not need additional
consumables. To assemble the
bench, you do not need a specific
tool or rich experience.

Withstand all weather conditions

The benches will not rot and deform
from temperature fluctuations,
exposure to moisture and other
precipitation. Resistant to
temperature fluctuations from -50C
to +38C. Due to they will be good for
many years.
The metal base is powder coated.

Withstands heavy loads

A kind of “chip” of the PVC profile is
a jumper inside, thanks to which we
get an additional stiffening rib.
Accordingly, we get fasteners of
better quality and durability. The
profile is made of very strong
materials, therefore it is universal in
use and can withstand heavy loads.

Convenient delivery

There is no need to hire special
transport to transport benches. Our
benches are packed in cardboard
boxes, the product can be carried by
one person. Transportation is also
possible by car or delivery service at
a cheaper rate.

vandal resistant

Metal structures are made in such a
way that it is impossible to open, for
example, a bottle about them and
damage the protective layer of
metal. The PVC profile does not
support combustion, so it is
impossible to damage it with a

Stylish and modern

The design of our shops was
developed taking into account
market trends and the demand for
modernity. The clarity of lines and
contrasting colors will not leave
anyone indifferent. Benches will
decorate not only the backyard, but
also parks, house adjoining

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    07profil pvf ico
    (Русский) Легкий монтаж
    02profil dlya lavok ico
    (Русский) устойчив к большим нагрузкам
    01profil dlya lavok ico 1
    (Русский) небольшой вес
    03profil dlya skameek ico
    (Русский) ударо- и вандало - стойкость
    04profil dlya skameek ico
    (Русский) стойкость к погодным условиям
    06profil dlya lavok ico
    (Русский) морозоустойчив
    05profil dlya skameek ico
    (Русский) УФ-стойкий
    08profil pvf ico
    (Русский) влагостойкий
    10profil dlya lavok ico
    (Русский) устойчив к гниению и микроорганизмам
    11profil dlya lavok ico
    (Русский) безопасен для здоровья человека
    07profil pvf ico
    (Русский) Легкий монтаж
    02profil dlya lavok ico
    (Русский) устойчив к большим нагрузкам
    01profil dlya lavok ico 1
    (Русский) небольшой вес
    03profil dlya skameek ico
    (Русский) ударо- и вандало - стойкость
    04profil dlya skameek ico
    (Русский) стойкость к погодным условиям
    06profil dlya lavok ico
    (Русский) морозоустойчив
    05profil dlya skameek ico
    (Русский) УФ-стойкий
    08profil pvf ico
    (Русский) влагостойкий
    10profil dlya lavok ico
    (Русский) устойчив к гниению и микроорганизмам
    11profil dlya lavok ico
    (Русский) безопасен для здоровья человека


    Garden and park benches consist of a plastic profile and a metal frame. The plastic profile is made by extrusion of polyvinyl chloride (pvc). Plastic elements are produced using recycled materials. The seat and backrest are made of a high quality rigid plastic profile with UV protection, which makes the plastic durable.
    Plastic elements do not support combustion. The back angle has a comfortable seating slope (for Comfortable and LUX benches) The metal frame is made of a profile pipe 50x25x1.5mm and a square pipe 25x25x1.5mm. The plastic profile of the back and seat are screwed to the frame. The frame is powder coated. Fastener parts have a decorative and protective coating.
    1. The manufacturer guarantees that the products comply with the requirements of the technical specifications, provided that the consumer observes the rules for transportation, storage, assembly and care specified in the "Instructions for the assembly and use of Alta-Profile garden and park benches", which can be found on the website www.alta- in the "Help Center" section. The warranty period for the products is 24 months from the date of purchase by the consumer. Claims for quality are accepted before the installation of garden and park benches. Claims for the complete set are accepted upon purchase of the goods and its inspection.
    The manufacturer reserves the right to make design changes that do not affect the appearance of the product.
    When transporting products by consumer transport, the consumer is responsible for the safety and quality of products.
    2. Warranties do not apply if damage and / or deformation of the product was the result of:
    • force majeure circumstances (fire, hail, hurricane, flood, hostilities, etc.), as well as actions of third parties;
    • chemical, thermal, mechanical influences, atmospheric influences - occurrence of corrosion of metal parts;
    • violation of the rules of transportation, storage, assembly and care established by the "Installation Instructions";
    1.Climatic operating conditions. The products are prepared for use in the climate of temperate latitudes, subject to the rules of transportation, storage, installation and operation at temperatures from -50°С to +38°С (climate formed in the Northern Hemisphere between 40°-45° and 62°-68° N and in the South between 42° and 58° N). When using products outside the above requirements, claims are not accepted due to violation of the operating mode. Warning: taking into account the characteristics of polymeric materials, under the influence of climatic factors, a whitish coating may appear on the surface of the products (the “chalking” effect). This fact is not guaranteed. Be sure to read the recommendations below.
    2. Physical and mechanical characteristics. Preservation of strength properties (impact resistance, plasticity, absence of swelling and delamination) for garden and park benches is 10 years.
    3. Decorative features. Light and weather fading is a natural process for polymer products and does not affect product safety or performance. Criteria and method for evaluating the change in color of products: color difference ΔE≤5 on the CIE Lab scale (moderate, that is, clearly visible changes). Measured with a spectrophotometer; The evaluation of the color change of products is made without taking into account the effect of "chalking", it is necessary to clean the surface before measurement.
    1. Products are transported in original cardboard packaging on pallets by any type of covered transport with ventilation at a temperature of -50 to +38°C.
    2. It is not allowed to throw and deform the package during loading and unloading operations.
    3. Packed benches should be stored in covered warehouses equipped with ventilation, out of the reach of heaters and direct sunlight, at temperatures from -50°C to +38°C and relative humidity of 50-60%.
    4. In the summer, do not store packaged products in open areas. For long-term storage of products, it is necessary to open the packaging.
    5. Products in packs must be stored on racks with a length not less than the total length and width of the packs. Storage conditions for benches should exclude the possibility of mechanical damage. The maximum stack height when stored on pallets is no more than 1 meter.
    6. At least 2 times a year, carry out wet cleaning of products using detergents without chlorine, aggressive cleaning agents and without solvents. If this requirement is not met, the consumer risks losing some of the product parameters.
    7. It is strictly forbidden to use detergents containing active oxidizing agents (whiteness), chlorine-containing solvents and use brushes with hard bristles.

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