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Alta Profil Ukraine > Siding > BlockHouse Classic
Логотип коллекции сайдинга Блок Хаус
Фото дома с золотистым сайдингом под бревно от Альта-Профиль. Block House - виниловый сайдинг под бревно.
Золотистый блок-хайс
Дуб светлый блок хаус
светлый блок-хаус
Виниловый блок хаус альта профиль
Блок-хаус от альта-профиль
Дом под сруб с сайдингом
сайдинг под дуб светлый, бревно
виниловый блок хаус
Сруб виниловым сайдингом


– log siding

It is a novelty of the Ukrainian market of front materials. Panels in accuracy imitate a form and texture of a timber blocking, thus, panels have a number of advantages:

BlockHouse 297,76-430,09 uah/pcs.
(Русский) В наличии
Temperature stability.

Appearance of the "block house" panels remains unchanged even at the critical temperatures of -50°C or + 60°C.

Environmentally friendly.

When using "block house" panels, forest areas are preserved. For finishing the house, one does not have to cut down trees, while your house looks as if it's made completely of wood.

Chemical and biological stability

The siding has high resistance to chemicals. The material is unattractive to biological organisms.

Shock resistance.

It perfectly withstands blows, does not crack even at very low temperatures - both at -20°C and at -60°C.

Resistant to fire, does not support combustion
Choose a dealer in your area

Blockhouse Slim

Kremoviy Slim
Olivkovaya Slim
Pesochniy Slim
Buk ВН-03
Chestnut ВН-03
Alder ВН-03
Ash-Tree ВН-03
dub svetlyj
Light oak
Kremoviy Slim
Olivkovaya Slim
Pesochniy Slim
Buk ВН-03
Chestnut ВН-03
Alder ВН-03
Ash-Tree ВН-03
dub svetlyj
Light oak


bezeviy BH3
BlockHouse (BH-02) Beige
dub svetliy BH3
BlockHouse (BH-02) Oak light
Zolotistiy BH3
BlockHouse (BH-02) Golden
bezeviy BH1
BlockHouse (BH-01) Beige
dub svetliy BH1
BlockHouse (BH-01) Oak light
Zolotistiy BH1
BlockHouse (BH-01) Golden
vn 01 orekh
Karelia (BH-01) Nut
vn 01 yasen 1532345407.3456
Karelia (BH-01) Ash-tree
vn 01 kashtan
Karelia (BH-01) Chestnut
vn 01 olkha
Karelia (BH-01) Alder
vn 01 buk
Karelia (BH-01) Beech



Panel geometry
Siding parameters
Length: 3100 mm
Width: 200 mm
Thickness: 1,2 mm
In package: 12 psc.

Blockhouse Two-break

Panel geometry
Siding parameters
Length: 3100 mm
Width: 320 mm
Thickness: 1,2 mm
In package: 16 psc.

Blockhouse Slim

Panel geometry
Siding parameters
Length: 3660 мм
Width: 230 мм
Thickness: 1mm+/-0,1mm
In package: 10 psc.


Околооконная планка альта-сайдинг
Length: 3050 mm (3000mm)

Circum-window strip

отделочная планка сайдинга внешний угол
Length: 3050 mm (3000mm)

External corner

Планка сайдинга внутренний угол
Length: 3050 mm (3000mm)

Internal corner

отделочная планка сайдинга j-trim
Length: 3660 mm (3000mm)


Соединительная h планка сайдинга
Length: 3050 mm (3000mm)


BlockHouse Slim

начальная планка сайдинга
Length: 3660 mm

Starter strip

финишная планка сайдинга
Length: 3660 mm

Finishing strip

околооконная планка сайдинга
Length: 3050 mm

Circum-window strip

Length: 3000 mm


откос сайдинг
Length: 3660 mm

Weather strip

навесная планка сайдинга
Length: 3660 mm

Hinged strip

j-фаска сайдинга
Length: 3000 mm


планка сайдинга внутренний угол
Length: 3050 mm

Internal corner

наличник сайдинга
Length: 3050 mm

Weather strip wide

соединительная планка сайдинга
Length: 3050 mm


соффит карнизная подшивка
Length: 3000 mm

Soffit with partial perforation

окантовочная планка сайдинга
Length: 3660 mm

Edging strip

планка сайдинга наружный угол радиусный
Length: 3050 mm

Radius corner strip

планка садинга наружный угол
Length: 3050 mm

External corner

Length: 3660 mm


крепите сайдинг в центр перфорации

(Русский) Центр гвоздя должен быть внутри перфорированного отверстия.

оставляйте зазоры между планками сайдинга

(Русский) Оставляйте зазор (летом - 6мм, зимой - 10мм) для возможного разширения при стыке панелей с сайдинговыми планками.

Не забивайте гвоздь до упора в сайдинг

(Русский) Не прибивайте сайдинг очень плотно. Оставьте расстояние примерно 1-1,5 мм между верхним краем шляпки гвоздя и панелью.

крепите сайдинг каждые 30-40 см

(Русский) Правильно расположите гвозди. Гвозди рекомендуется забивать на растоянии 30-40 см друг от друга.

не вбивайте гвоздь в сайдинг под углом

(Русский) Не натягивайте сайдинг при креплении. Сильное натяжение панели изменяет ее форму и может вызвать неправильное соединение панелей и других элементов.

(Русский) Рекомендации:

(Русский) !!! Рекомендуется избегать длительного воздействия солнечных лучей.
При длительном хранении панелей на открытых участках под действием прямых солнечных лучей необходимо вскрывать упаковку во избежание "парникового эффекта". !!!
Изделия мерных отрезков необходимо хранить и транспортировать на стеллажах длиной не менее длины мерных отрезков.

Key siding features

сайдинг - материал, который не горит


сайдинг - экологичный и безопасный материал

Environmentally safe

сайдинг устойчив к температурным колебаниям

Resistant to temperature fluctuations (-50 to +50)

сайдинг устойчив к ультрафиолету

Resistant to UV radiation

сайдинг устойчив к микробиологической коррозии

Resistant to microbiological corrosion

сайдинг легко моется

Easy to clean material

сайдинг - материал, который не горит


сайдинг - экологичный и безопасный материал

Environmentally safe

сайдинг устойчив к температурным колебаниям

Resistant to temperature fluctuations (-50 to +50)

сайдинг устойчив к ультрафиолету

Resistant to UV radiation

сайдинг устойчив к микробиологической коррозии

Resistant to microbiological corrosion

сайдинг легко моется

Easy to clean material

Certificates and guarantees

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    BlockHouse is not yet a very familiar concept for the finishing materials market in Ukraine. The material itself also looks unusual. Facades of houses have long been finished with siding made of vinyl or acrylic, but what is the "BlockHouse" material?
    This is a completely new finish type for the market of facade materials in Ukraine. Its texture and shape are very much like wooden logs, but the new material has a huge number of undeniable advantages:
    • Appearance of the "block house" panels remains unchanged even at the critical temperatures of -50°C or + 60°C.
    • When using "block house" panels, forest areas are preserved. For finishing the house, one does not have to cut down trees, while your house looks as if it's made completely of wood.
    • "Block House" does not rot and does not crack, it can withstand physical impacts. It is not affected by ultraviolet radiation, aggressive vapors, liquids, precipitation, and corrosion.
    It perfectly withstands blows, does not crack even at very low temperatures - both -20°C and up to -60°C.
    • Resistant to fire, does not support combustion.
    • Mold and fungi do not develop on the surface of the siding.
    • "BlockHouse" does not require decorative finishing (painting), nor does it require any special operating conditions.
    • The "BlockHouse" facing even after 50 years of operation does not lose its properties.
    The single-plexed panels of the "BlockHouse" siding are equipped with a reverse lock different from ordinary siding, which makes it possible to sustain significant loads and prevents the wave effect.
    The “BlockHouse” form differs significantly from the classic vinyl siding. There are two types of panels manufactered: single-plexed (length 310 cm, width 20 cm) and double-plexed (length 310 cm, width 32 cm).
    A new type of siding has appeared in the Ukrainian market of finishing materials - "BlockHouse". It is intended for finishing the house, while outside it looks absolutely like wooden logs. The advantage of the "BlockHouse" is that it is cheaper compared to wood finishing. The "BlockHouse" does not have any drawbacks characteristic of wood, and a house finished with the new material looks like it is faced with wood. You can buy the new "BlockHouse" panels at very affordable prices.
    On its website, Alta-Profil Ukraine, which manufactures the new type of siding, provides comprehensive information about technical characteristics of the "BlockHouse" panels.

    Prices for the "BlockHouse" in Europe, and where it can be purchased

    The producer of high-quality siding in Ukraine, including the “BlockHouse” facade system, is Alta-Profil Ukraine. The central office of the company is located in Ukraine, it also has its representative offices in Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, and other countries of the European Union. All the products are certified and meet global standards for quality, safety, and robustness. The “BlockHouse” is sold through a wide dealer network covering the entire territory of Ukraine and EU Member States.