Facade panels

Facade panels are used for exterior finishing of the house and, due to their high resistance to loads, are perfectly suited for decorating both the basement part of the building (because of what they are called socle siding) and for the facade of the whole house.
Advantages of Alta-Profil base siding.
The base siding has a range of advantages, often making it the only possible option for finishing a building. The key ones are:
Light weight. If you do not want to “bury money in the ground” – to create a strong expensive foundation – or you already have a house with a not very solid foundation and you want to redesign it in a new way, then brick- or stone-like front panels will be an excellent solution. Due to their light weight, they do not load the foundation and are ideal for finishing:
- wooden houses
- frame-panel structures
- pediments and superstructures
- clay-walled huts
- any houses with a weak foundation
- fences
Beauty. Stone- and brick-like siding is excellent for finishing the facade of a building, and even at a few meters’ distance one will not distinguish a house decorated with base siding from a house lined with natural materials.
Durability. Initially, the front panels were used to finish the basement. Since the base requires more protection than the walls and is more susceptible to precipitations and mechanical damage, special panels with increased impact and moisture resistance were developed for this part of the building. Later, they also started using base siding for covering all walls of a house.
Durability. Due to increased impact and moisture resistance, the front panels have a significant service life – up to 30 years.
Easy maintenance. The base siding does not require outer processing and does not form efflorescence, as brick facades do.
Easy to mount. Following the guidelines, anyone can install the base siding with their own hands without being an expert.
For decorative purposes, you can use façade panels under a stone or brick to decorate columns, verandas, balconies and even fences. In this case, they are perfectly combined with the facade, covered with both siding and plaster.