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Showing 97–120 of 329 results
start-fin_belayaСтарт-финишная планка белая для стенового сайдинга 3,66 м
127.36 грн
start-fin_koricaСтарт-финишная планка корица для стенового сайдинга 3,00 м
117.71 грн
start-fin_kshampanСтарт-финишная планка шампань для стенового сайдинга 3,66 м
127.36 грн
start-fin_slonСтарт-финишная планка слоновая кость для стенового сайдинга 3,00 м
101.30 грн
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101.30 грн
neolit-mramor-cornНаружный угол фактурный "Неолит" мраморный 1 м
210.00 грн
dolomit-slon-cornНаружный угол фактурный "Доломит" слоновая кость 1 м
210.00 грн
Планка "J trim" желтый Т-15 Канада Плюс Престиж 3660 ммПланка "J trim" желтый Т-15 Канада Плюс Престиж 3660 мм
325.86 грн
grafit jtrim 15Планка "J trim" графитовый Т-15 Канада Плюс Премиум 3660 мм
334.92 грн
kanada j trim oak light t15Планка "J trim" дуб светлый Т-15 Канада Плюс Премиум 3660 мм
334.92 грн
Планка "J trim" красно-коричневая Т-15 Канада Плюс Премиум 3660 ммПланка "J trim" красно-коричневая Т-15 Канада Плюс Премиум 3660 мм
334.92 грн
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334.92 грн
Планка "J trim" персиковый Т-15 Канада Плюс Престиж 3660 ммПланка "J trim" персиковый Т-15 Канада Плюс Престиж 3660 мм
325.86 грн
Планка "J trim" фисташковая Т-15 Канада Плюс Престиж 3660 ммПланка "J trim" фисташковая Т-15 Канада Плюс Престиж 3660 мм
325.86 грн
Планка "J-trim" Alta-Siding земляника 3660 ммПланка "J-trim" Alta-Siding земляника 3660 мм
308.93 грн
Планка "J-trim" Alta-Siding лимонный 3660 ммПланка "J-trim" Alta-Siding лимонный 3660 мм
273.81 грн
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273.81 грн
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273.81 грн
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273.81 грн
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273.81 грн
Планка "J-trim" Alta-Siding серо-голубой 3660 ммПланка "J-trim" Alta-Siding серо-голубой 3660 мм
308.93 грн
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308.93 грн
Планка "внешний угол" Alta-Siding бежевый 3050 ммПланка "внешний угол" Alta-Siding бежевый 3050 мм
682.46 грн

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    Siding is a quality and durable material for facades, which is designed for reliable protection of your home. But siding will perform its functions only if made by professionals with using modern equipment. “Alta-Profil Ukraina” – the first company in Ukraine, which produces high quality siding for buildings facades , as well as high-quality accessories. Alta-Profil Ukraine produces acrylic and vinyl siding, which has the following advantages over other types of finishes:

    • Durability. Siding is fairly durable finishing material that does not lose this property for decades. All the products are subject to special durability tests before being on sale.
    • Convenience. The siding is very easy to mount, even for those who have never done that. To mount the siding on your own, you just need to follow the guidelines published on the website. Application of the siding allows you to avoid the “wet” work of plastering, which is invariably required for other types of finishes. Moreover, it is not necessary to make the walls perfectly smooth – the defects are perfectly compensated with the crate or frame. The work takes times less time. You just need to buy siding and make your life simpler!
    • Economy. Finishing a house with siding makes it possible to significantly insulate the dwelling, which leads to savings in electricity and heat.
    • Environmentally friendly. The products are made from environmentally friendly materials and meet all the required standards.
    • Easy maintenance. The siding does not require coloring – in the course of time, the original color does not fade and does not change. If you accidentally damage one of the panels irreparably, for example, with a strong blow, just buy a new one of the same model and color, and it will not differ from the rest, even if several years have passed. Washing the siding is also very easy – a couple of times a year you need to remove dust with water from a hose, and it is as good as new again.
    • Advantageous price. If you calculate the cost of siding for a house with all the components and take into account, on average, a 25-year period of unattended operation, then the savings vs other finishing methods are significant.

    For which purposes acrylic and vinyl siding from Alta-Profil Ukraine can be used. The siding panels are suitable for all buildings where their height does not exceed three floors. However, there are buildings and tasks where siding is the best solution for facade facework.

      • For insulation using the ventilated facade method.
      • For this, an air layer is created under the lining, and a layer of insulation is laid – sometimes the insulation is covered with waterproof vapor-permeable film. This inner pie with siding coverage ensures the facade’s excellent thermal insulation properties;
      • For reconstruction of old houses using crate.

    – in this case, you do not need to smoothen the walls, and you can save significantly – not only the materials, but also work of builders and the invested time;

      • For houses made from SIP panels (“Canadian houses”) and any other houses without a strong foundation

    – due to the panels’ low weight, the siding creates virtually no additional load on the facade. Therefore, it will perfectly suit any type of building, even one that does not have a foundation at all.

    • For wooden facades, vinyl siding is actually the only possible option to insulate the building;
    • for commercial real estate, small architectural forms, etc. the panels will be a quick and convenient solution for upgrading the facade.
    • for insulation and decoration of balconies, etc.

    Advantages of vinyl siding vs other types of facade finishing Why is Alta-Profile the leader in the siding market in Ukraine? Currently, lots of manufacturers offer siding, you can buy it virtually everywhere – in the most diverse forms and colors. There are domestic manufacturers, there are importers. In the latter case, the price of siding goes significantly up. How do you choose exactly what you need? After all, you cannot determine by touch how long a panel will last, how it behaves at critical temperatures, high humidity, abnormal heat, which have often been observed in our country in recent years. For consumers who purchase siding for their own house, the price, as a rule, does not come first. Everyone wants the house to be beautiful, cozy, and have as long service life as possible. Because what does a very low price of a product imply? Perhaps the manufacturer saved on modifiers enhancing durability of the panels, or, maybe, they put there a little less color pigment. Summer comes – the siding fades, winter comes – it gets cracked. The bottom line is disappointment. That is why it is very important to pay due attention to the manufacturer, their reputation and positioning. When choosing a manufacturer, pay attention to the following facts: Alta-Profil has been producing siding since 2007.

    • Since this time, our own production facility was built with introduction of state-of-the-art Austrian and German equipment from industry leaders, there is on-going computer-based control of product quality at all production stages. Gradually, Alta-Profil became the leader in the siding market in Ukraine, which is confirmed with the latest statistical data.
    • The company uses only high-quality imported raw materials to manufacture the siding.
    • Currently, the chemical industry is extensively using recycled PVC products, which is very good from the point of view of being environmentally-friendly, but it seriously affects quality of goods produced in this way. When buying, you cannot recognize the composition “by sight”, and sellers do not always honestly report such aspects.
    • Moreover, Alta-Profil has for a long time invested resources into search for and development of its unique and effective siding production technology, taking into account the climatic conditions in our country.
    • As a result, the siding produced at Alta Profile factories is suitable for most climatic zones.
    • All Alta-Profil products are certified according to StSU and requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological service. You can see the certificates in the respective section of the website.
    • We offer a very wide range of colors (more than 20) and five different shapes, which allows even the most demanding customers to choose the right option.

    Alta-Profil carefully monitors assurance of high professionalism of the company’s employees. We scrupulously select candidates for positions, conduct regular workshops and advanced training for our specialists. By contacting Alta-Profil, you will receive complete and high-quality – and most importantly, honest – advice on the range of products, we will help you to choose and estimate tailor-made facework for your house, provide step by step instructions on mounting the siding. We are looking forward to seeing you in the stores of our dealer network!

    Where can I buy the siding? The price on Alta-Profit siding in European Union Member States

    If you are an EU resident, it won’t be a problem for you finding a point of sale of our products. You can easily buy the siding in EU countries, as well as our other products (gutters, soffit, front panels), due to our extensive dealer network. Our dealer network extends far beyond Ukraine, and you can buy the siding in the EU – in Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Moldova, Slovakia, etc..