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соффит карнизный Альта
соффит карнизный Альта
соффит карнизный Альта
соффит для крыши Альта
софит для крыши Альта
соффит карнизный Альта
соффит карнизный Альта
соффит карнизный Альта
соффит для крыши Альта
софит для крыши Альта


Soffit - Special PVC was designed to ensure ventilation of the roof and roof space, as well as perform a decorative function.
Panels from the company "Alta-Profil Ukraina" can be combined with any roofing material.

Our company manufactures two types of soffit - with partial perforation and without perforation.

321,52-522,73 UAH / pcs.
Do not require special care


Have a long service life


Protect the roof and the under-roof space from penetration of insects, birds, foliage, atmospheric precipitations
Allow extending the service life of your roof
There are 8 colors permanently available
Choose a dealer in your area
sof color white
sof color cream
sof color bege
sof color oak light
Oak light
sof color oak gold
Golden oak
sof color broun
sof color nut
sof color grafit
sof color white
sof color cream
sof color bege
sof color oak light
sof color oak gold
sof color broun
sof color nut
sof color grafit


Soffit without perforation
  • Length:
  • 3000 mm
  • Width:
  • 230 mm
  • Thickness:
  • 1.2 mm
  • In package:
  • 10 pcs.
софит перфорированный
Soffit with perforation
  • Length:
  • 3000 mm
  • Width:
  • 230 mm
  • Thickness:
  • 1.2 mm
  • In package:
  • 10 pcs.
length: 3660 mm (3000mm)


length: 3660 mm (3000mm)


финишная планка сайдинга
length: 3660 mm (3000mm)


крепите сайдинг в центр перфорации

(Русский) Центр гвоздя должен быть внутри перфорированного отверстия.

оставляйте зазоры между планками сайдинга

(Русский) Оставляйте зазор (летом - 6мм, зимой - 10мм) для возможного разширения при стыке панелей с сайдинговыми планками.

не вбивайте гвоздь в сайдинг под углом

(Русский) Не прибивайте софит очень плотно. Оставьте расстояние примерно 1-1,5 мм между верхним краем шляпки гвоздя и панелью.

крепите сайдинг каждые 30-40 см

(Русский) Правильно расположите гвозди. Гвозди рекомендуется забивать на растоянии 30-40 см друг от друга.

Не забивайте гвоздь до упора в сайдинг

(Русский) Не натягивайте софит при креплении. Сильное натяжение панели изменяет ее форму и может вызвать неправильное соединение панелей и других элементов.

(Русский) Рекомендации:

(Русский) !!! Рекомендуется избегать длительного воздействия солнечных лучей.
При длительном хранении панелей на открытых участках под действием прямых солнечных лучей необходимо вскрывать упаковку во избежание "парникового эффекта". !!!
Изделия мерных отрезков необходимо хранить и транспортировать на стеллажах длиной не менее длины мерных отрезков.

Certificates and guarantees

сертификат санитарно эпидемиологической станции
сертификат санитарно эпидемиологической станции
декларация соответствия СЕ на сайдинг Альта-Сайдинг
гарантийное свидетельство
гарантийное свидетельство

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    Eaves usually do not require much attention. How to equip them, bead them is within everybody's discretion. The main thing to consider is that with them one hides waterproofing film, the bottom surface of the roof, or part of untreated wood surface.
    The need for roof eaves is fully proved, as it is the part of the roof from below that protrudes from the walls. Basically, they protect walls inside against rain and snow. The width of eaves may vary - from 40 centimeters to one meter. Installation of eaves occurs at the final stage, when the roof and gutters are already mounted, and the walls are insulated.
    Previously, with attic type roofs, eaves were used as decorative elements, they were not beaded but painted and decorated with a variety of carvings. They were necessarily treated with moisture repellents. The attic used to be ventilated through air holes or crevices between the roof and the upper part of the wall. Even in our time, open eaves can make your house look attractive and unique, only you should consider the need for treating exposed wooden structures with antiseptic means.
    Most residents of modern houses prefer covered eaves, which are less troublesome. Eaves may be:
    Cornice type (horizontal, formed in the lower part of the roof)
    Pedimental (tilted, formed with the lateral part of the ramp)
    The specific feature of a cornice type eave is that through it air enters the air layer. This air moves to the upper part towards the roof ridge, thus ensuring ventilation of the entire structure. With tight sealing of the eave at its very bottom ventilation of the premises becomes impossible. And without beading the eave it is highly likely that various birds and insects penetrate into it, and it is still necessary to treat it with moisture repellents. Beaded eaves also optimize heat transfer at the very bottom of the roof.
    Therefore, roof eaves are beaded not tightly but leaving the space for air circulation.
    A tilted eave (or pedimental one) does not affect ventilation of the roof. It is less ergonomic - it is possible that precipitations, dampness blown by the wind into the cracks formed by the protruding boards of the sheathing will penetrate into it. In case of a roof attic, moistening of the insulation material in the roofing layer is highly probable.
    Therefore, if you have a pedimental type eave - it is still better to bead it in order to avoid the possible issues.

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    Віртуальна АТС
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