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Gutter system Alta-Profil Elit

Alta Profil Ukraine > Gutters Alta-Profil Ukraine > Gutter system Alta-Profil Elit
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Gutter system Alta-Profil Elit (125/95)

This is a high-quality drainage system from the market leader in the extrusion industry of Ukraine that meets international quality standards. Larger dimensions - increased reliability. The Elite gutter system is designed for large and medium-sized buildings with a complex roof shape, as well as for regions with high rainfall. The increased diameter (125 mm) and wall thickness of the gutter (1.6 mm) ensure the high strength and capacity of the system. Elite drains have been certified and fully comply with regulatory requirements. They can be installed on facades finished with any materials: stone, brick, wood, as well as on plastered facades.

Size:(Русский) 125/95

Colourswhite, brown, graphite

Lifetime warranty15 years

7 advantages of the Alta-Profil gutter system

(Русский) Гарантия 25 лет

The drainage system "Alta-Profil" is not subject to corrosion and decay, resistant to aggressive environments and temperature extremes. It Will last at least 25 years!

UV resistant

The gutter system is painted using the innovative Cool Color technology: it reflects the sun's rays, heats up significantly less, and does not fade in the sun.

Not flammable

The gutter system "Alta-Profil" includes non-flammable components. It complies with fire safety requirements and does not support combustion.

100% tightness

All fastening elements are provided with rubber seals, developed in Germany specifically for Alta-Profil.

Easy assembly

PVC gutters are easy to install, thanks to a well-thought-out system of fastenings and low weight. In addition, they place less stress on the supporting structures of the building.


The gutters are made of rigid PVC with the addition of additives that enhance the strength and impact resistance of the system.


Thoughtful Design

Thanks to well-thought-out structural elements, the Elite drainage system looks aesthetically pleasing and creates a picture of the completion of the building.



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Элементы водосточной системы Элит
(Русский) Основные характеристики

1. Plug

2. Chute

3. Gutter sleeve

4. Gutter angle 90 °

5. Funnel

6. Pipe elbow 45 °

7. Pipe coupling

8. Trumpet

9. Pipe clamp

10. Drain

11. Metal gutter bracket

12. Plastic gutter bracket

13. Pipe with coupling

14. Corner of the gutter (120 ° -145 °)

15. Pipe elbow 67 °

16. Metal pipe clamp

Желоб водосточный Желоб водосточный2

1. Gutter

Purpose: collection and removal of precipitation from the roof surface.
Features of the Alta Profile gutter:
1) large diameter (125 mm), which provides a large throughput;
2) rounding at the edges of the gutter, protect against water overflow;
3) the rounding serves as additional stiffeners for a more tight closure of the drainage elements;
4) one edge of the groove is 3 mm lower than the other. this is done specifically to prevent water from entering the wall of the building with the strong pressure of water;
5) is equipped with longitudinal stiffeners that increase the flow rate and do not retain dirt and leaves on the walls of the gutter.


2. Funnel

Purpose: provides the directional flow of water from the gutter to the downpipe.
Features of the "Alta Profile" funnel: On the outside of the funnel there are special ribs that emphasize the beauty and originality of the entire system as a whole, and also provide a smooth transition to the next element of the drainage system.


3. Gutter sleeve

Purpose: connection of individual gutters into a single system.
Features of the gutter coupling "Alta Profile":
1) this element is universal, that is, it can be used both on one side and on the other. This is possible thanks to special rounding around the edges of the sleeve.
2) there are stiffening ribs on the inner side of the coupling, which is designed to better fix the ends of the gutter and prevent them from skewing during installation. That is why they serve as additional stiffeners.

Угол Угол2

4. Gutter angle 90 °

Purpose: connection of two gutter systems at an angle of 90 °.
Features of the 90 ° gutter angle "Alta Profile":
this angle is universal because it can be used for both external and internal connections.


5. Adjustable chute angle (120 ° -145 °)

Purpose: connection of two gutter systems at different angles - from 120 ° to 145 °.
Features of the adjustable angle of the Alta Profile gutter:
The corner can be easily moved apart and assembled, which greatly facilitates the installation of the system as a whole. Now you can easily define the shape of the corner that you need, without using additional elements.


6. Universal gutter plug

Purpose: hermetic closure of any end of the gutter
Features of the gutter plug "Alta Profile": a universal element that allows you to close the gutter both on the left and right. The plug has a convex shape, which looks complete and aesthetic.


7. Downpipe

Purpose: provides drainage of water, precipitation into the ground or the drainage system
Features of the pipe "Alta Profile":
The optimal pipe length is 3 m, which is convenient for both installation and transportation.
One pipe is securely fixed to the other pipe using a pipe sleeve.


8. Pipe coupling

Purpose: connection of two downpipes or directly a pipe with a funnel.
Features of the pipe coupling "Alta Profile":
A simple and clear installation element will provide ease of assembly and the necessary tightness of the system.

9/10. Pipe bend 45 ° / 67 °

Purpose: To provide a transition from a funnel to a drain pipe or from one pipe to another, as well as to bypass the protruding parts of the building.
Features of the pipe elbows "Alta Profile": Two irreplaceable elements for the installation of a complex structure, will make all rounds of corners aesthetic.
The angle of inclination of the knees is measured by the deviation from the vertical axis.

Колено4 Колено7

11. Draining

Purpose: drainage of water from the drainage system to the ground or drainage
Features of the discharge of the pipe "Alta Profile":
The bell is elliptical, not round. This unique solution significantly reduces the amount of frozen water in the drain during the cold season. As a result, the hole is not completely closed and water can flow out of the system.

Слив Слив схема

12. Plastic gutter bracket

Purpose: fastening gutters to the frontal board
Features of the gutter bracket "Alta Profile":
The bracket has a special small hole at the bottom, designed to fix the wiring, and in some cases, when decorating the house with garlands. The brackets are installed at a distance of 60cm from each other.

Хомут пластиковый Хомут схема

13. Plastic pipe clamp

Purpose: fixes the downpipe to the wall
Features of the plastic pipe clamp "Alta Profile":
The pipe clamp is disassembled. The pipe is easily inserted into it and securely fixed with a special fastener (screw).

Хомут метал

14. Metal gutter clamp

Purpose: fixes the downpipe to the wall
Features of the metal pipe clamp "Alta Profile":
Visually it looks more "lightweight".

15. Metal gutter bracket

Purpose: for fastening gutters to roof rafters
Features of the gutter bracket "Alta Profile":
In those places where the brackets are not provided for fastening to the frontal board, a metal bracket is used.

16. Metal bracket - extension

Purpose: Fastening the plastic gutter bracket to the roof rafters
Alta Profile extension bracket features:
In those places where there is no provision for attaching the brackets to the frontal board, it is convenient to use a metal extent.

Кронштейн1 Кронштейн2
пластиковые кронштейны водостоков

(Русский) 1. Прикрепите первый и последний пластиковый кронштейны к лобовой доске отступив 15 см от края крыши. При этом нужно учитывать, что желоб должен крепиться с уклоном в сторону сливной воронки. Расчетный угол наклона – 3 см разницы между первым и последним кронштейном на каждые 10 м желоба. Остальные кронштейны крепятся с шагом 50-60 см.
При соединении желобов с помощью муфт и при установке воронок желоба обязательно нужно смонтировать дополнительные кронштейны с обеих сторон от данных элементов на расстоянии 10-12 см.

крепление кронштейнов желоба на стропила

(Русский) 2. В случае крепления желоба непосредственно на стропила крыши нужно использовать металлические кронштейны.

монтаж водосточного желоба Альта Профиль

(Русский) 3. После установки кронштейнов вставьте предварительно отрезанный на нужную длину желоб и вщелкните его края в кронштейны

водосточной воронки монтаж

(Русский) 4. Сливная воронка устанавливается непосредственно на желоб и не является соединительным элементом. В месте ее крепления с помощью металлической коронки проделайте в желобе отверстие, наденьте воронку на желоб и вщелкните ее кромку в задний и передний край желоба.

Крепление воронки водосточной

(Русский) 5. Для соединения желобов между собой используйте муфту желоба. Для этого вставьте края желобов в муфту до знака STOP, затем поочередно зацепите задние и передние замки муфты за края желоба .

угол желоба универсальный

(Русский) 6. Углы желоба монтируются по аналогии с муфтами. При этом стоит обратить внимание на их универсальность. Благодаря специальной системе замков один и тот же элемент может выполнять функцию как внутреннего, так и внешнего угла.

Заглушка желоба универсальная

(Русский) 7. На края желоба установите универсальные заглушки методом вщелкивания.

желоб ПВХ водостока Альта-Профиль

(Русский) 8. Для обхода карнизного свеса и перехода от воронки к сливному стояку, необходимо установить элементы в следующей последовательности: воронка - колено трубы - муфта трубы - отрезок трубы – колено – муфта трубы - труба.

хомут трубы водосточной системы

(Русский) 9. Для крепежа трубы используются пластиковые либо металлические хомуты трубы со шпилькой. При этом пластиковые хомуты можно раскрыть, затем вставить в них трубу, после чего закрепить их с помощью метизов.
Металлические хомуты чаще всего используются при большой толщине утеплителя.
Обратите внимание, что самый верхний хомут должен плотно крепиться на трубы, а в нижнем хомуте труба может двигаться.

garantiya vodostok

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    This is a high-quality drainage system from the market leader in the extrusion industry of Ukraine that meets international quality standards.
    Larger dimensions - increased reliability.
    The Elite gutter system is designed for large and medium-sized buildings with a complex roof shape, as well as for regions with high rainfall. The increased diameter (125 mm) and wall thickness of the gutter (1.6 mm) ensure the high strength and capacity of the system.
    Elite drains have been certified and fully comply with regulatory requirements. They can be installed on facades finished with any materials: stone, brick, wood, as well as on plastered facades.