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Gutter system Alta-Profil Standart


Gutter system Alta-Profil Standart (115/74)

Gutter system Alta-Profil Standart (115/74)

These drains best of all will be suitable for a roof of small houses. The main difference from system of "Elite" is the smaller diameter of pipes (74 mm) and trenches (115 mm). They look very accurately on a building facade, and thus easily cope even with strong water flow.

Size: 115/74

Colours: white, brown

Waranty: 15 years

Features Standart drainage system

Особенности водосточной системы от Альта-Профиль

The term of operation of plastic water waste «Alta-Profil » system is 25 years.

During the production of water waste system high-quality materials and special technologies are applied.

Using of imported additives can significantly increase the thermal stability of products.Using of imported additives can significantly increase the thermal stability of products.

The water waste system is steady against the ultra-violet radiation because the coloring of the top layer of elements happens by superconcentrate Cool Colour method (heat absorption). It protects the water waste system from negative changes of color.

There are rubber seals on all fasteners guaranteeing absolute tightness of water waste system.

Existence of longitudinal edges of rigidity on all elements of water waste system increases the durability of a drain and improves the characteristics of a stream (reduces risk of formation of jams).

The «Alta-Profil» company lets out a trench of three types: white with an internal surface of dairy color; brown with an internal surface of dairy color; brown with the internal surface painted in brown color. we recommend to use trench with an internal surface of dairy color under operating conditions in hot climate (at environment temperature more than 35 °C) in order to avoid possible deformation.

Water waste «Alta-Profil» system is easy in installation..


(Русский) Основные характеристики

(Русский) Материал: ПВХ

(Русский) Технология производства труб и желобов: Коэкструзия

(Русский) Длина желобов: 3 м

(Русский) Длина труб: 3 м

(Русский) Диаметр желоба: 115 мм

(Русский) Диаметр трубы Стандарт: 74 мм

(Русский) Цветовая гамма: 2 цвета

Элементы водосточной системы Альта-Профиль Элит
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    (Русский) Водосток коллекции "Стандарт" идеально подойдет для отвода воды на небольших строениях как дача, гараж, летняя кухня, дома небольшой площади.