The facade of any building, no matter what it is made of, will eventually need maintenance. In the process of operation, sooner or later, it will be necessary, at least, to remove pollution: dust, stains after melting snow, traces of the vital activity of insects and birds.
The exterior walls of a house made of siding have a presentable appearance and practically do not lend themselves to the influence of many destructive environmental factors, do not need tint, application of protective mixtures or other special care, but dust settling still cannot be avoided, especially if the house is located near the road with busy traffic.
The physical characteristics of high-quality vinyl siding panels are such that dust pollution practically does not linger on them. For example, after a heavy rain, you may notice that the walls look much cleaner. This is due to the fact that the manufacturer adds a special antistatic agent to the composition, which has dust and dirt repellent properties that prevent dirt from adhering to the surface.
Cleaning siding facade panels won’t take much of your time or money – as a rule, the whole process of maintaining a siding facade of a house consists of washing it with plain water. It is enough to carry out this procedure 1-2 times a year to make the walls of the building look neat. Naturally, the walls should be washed during the warm season, when the air temperature does not drop below +5.
How and what to clean siding walls
You do not need to purchase any special devices for the maintenance of siding for the facade: using an ordinary garden watering hose, with a medium pressure of water, you need to wash off the accumulated dust, from top to bottom. That is, you will have to use a ladder in the process. Do not be afraid that a stream of water can get under the cladding, even if this happens, the material is resistant to moisture, decay or the appearance of mold.
If stubborn dirt cannot be washed off, you can use a long-handled soft-bristled brush, or a mop and rag. Dissolving dishwashing detergent in water or making a soap solution is sufficient. The resulting mixture will perfectly wash away greasy stains and stubborn stains. After wiping the panels with a brush and detergent, rinse again with clean water using a hose.
If any stains appear on the panels, it is recommended not to overstretch with cleaning, so that they do not stick to the surface. Otherwise, you will have to spend more effort to remove them.
After completing these simple manipulations, the walls of your home will again acquire a flawless appearance.
Precautions for Siding Care
- It is not recommended to use powdery, abrasive detergents when cleaning the facade to avoid damage to the panels. If there is an urgent need, for example, you need to wash off traces of rust or soot, and the soap solution does not cope, pre-mix the above products (it can be ordinary washing powder) with warm water until completely dissolved. Contact of such detergents with the surface of the panel should not last longer than 5-10 minutes, immediately rinse them with clean water, otherwise, the contact point may change color. Do not allow the surface with the agent applied to dry!
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